Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. -Jeremiah 1:5
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. -Psalm 139:14
Your body is not broken. God made you perfectly. When we couldn’t get pregnant, I would have thoughts that told me my body was broken. That it didn’t work like it was supposed to work. I would often feel sorry for my husband for having married someone that couldn’t give him what he so desired. I didn’t realize at the time that these were lies straight from the enemy. He was trying to steal the promise that God had for me. He was trying to get me to fall off the path that God had already laid out so perfectly for me.
After a time of feeling inadequate and depressed, I finally understood what was happening. I finally recognized the fact that I was giving life to false statements. And I could discern who those lies were coming from. Once I realized that I was listening to the wrong voice, I began to push those thoughts as far from my mind as I could. Every time a lie would sneak in, I would replace it with a truth from God. As I kept doing this, it became easier. Easier to recognize the voice. Easier to push it away. Easier to hear God’s truth.
Over time, the lies decreased. And the depression went away. And I felt peace knowing that the enemy had no control over me and that God would see me through to my miracle and beyond.
What steps have you taken to push the lies far from your mind and heart? Do you hang scriptures on the mirror? Have a friend you are accountable to? Share with us in the comments.